Tuesday, May 26, 2009

David's Godfather Blog: Week 5 Comments

For Week 5, I commented on a blog post by Fion. I told her that it was excellent that she went and looked to find more information about oranges. I told her that I agreed with her as oranges do occur when something bad occur. I also said that maybe the outside part of the orange means that the outside of Vito Corleone is rough but on the inside he is sweet.

1 comment:

  1. I dont really agree with you with the part where you say "oranges do occur when something bad occur".There was only one part in the movie where that happened.How come it does not happen to anyone else such as when appolina dies in the car.Were there any oranges near by?I think the only reason why don carleone dies near oranges is because he was in a market and it was a conincident.
