Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Arpreet Class Act: Week 2

Tears of joy or sadness.

The other day in class while watching the Godfather, the idea of foreshadowing was brought up when Luca was killed. When Luca entered the Sollozzo, fishes were seen on the window, and when they killed him, they sent fishes wrapped in a bag to the Coreleone family. That was Sollozzo families symbol.


  1. Actually arpreet it was not the solozzo's family symbol, rather a symbol of the mafia (being all the 5 families) meaning as you mentioned death.

  2. Thank you for the clarification Sebastian. This helps me understand the movie a little bit more.
    - Arpreet

  3. No problem arpreet. Any time you need help let me know. :)

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